Transparent supply chain
Clothing with a transparent supply chain
One of the most important things for brands and retailers in the fashion industry are sustainable supply chains. Greater transparency and corporate accountability is something that holds more and more consumer interest. It is becoming a cornerstone of sustainable fashion.
At Know the Origin we have several brands that meet our high criteria to qualify for the 'transparent supply chain' badge. These brands include Organic Basics, Tentree, Tobefrank, DK Active, Dedicated and LeFrik. All these brands go that extra mile to use sustainable practices and reduce their environmental impact. The industry seems to be taking steps to embrace a fashion revolution and these brands are at the forefront of it.
In practice, supply chain transparency means that the brands and retailers concerned are open and honest about where their production locations are, and usually go into more detail about the workers rights too. A transparent supply chain is a great thing to have for your sustainability credentials.
Fashion industry
All the brands mentioned above are aware of the environmental impacts that the supply chain can have and that workers rights are hugely important. Increased transparency is thankfully becoming more common in the fashion industry and moving in the right direction, but the brands featured on Know the Origin are leading the way to do fashion right. By picking the brands featured on Know the Origin you know that every time you buy clothes you are doing your bit in making a difference. Consumers can help play a part in increasing the sustainability goals of the fashion industry.
Each time you buy branded products from suppliers and companies with supply chain transparency and more sustainable raw materials you are helping to make companies use better textile factories and pay fair wages. Each little step can lead to significant progress!
Lots of brands are also embracing technology to help make their products more sustainable and use less paper too. Some are upgrading their processing facilities to manufacture in a better more sustainable way. They know it is in the consumer interest to do this and lots of brands on our site are committed to making a transparency pledge.
By publishing supplier lists and supply chain information brands can be held accountable by consumers helping to start the much needed fashion revolution. More and more fashion brands are moving in this direction which will help bring an end to the use of forced labour in textile mills by apparel companies.